Amber Queen

Amber Queen Dahlia
2018-2022 A Community Partnership

Amber Queen has a pastel amber-colored boom that is touched with peach in the center. This WW II-era pompon was introduced in 1945 by Harry Stredwick, winner of the RHS Victoria Medal of Honor, which is given to British horticulturists deserving special honor by the Society. Harry’s contribution was a continuation of a family legacy that has been cultivating dahlias since the 1890s. This heirloom dahlia is popular in bouquets and blooms early and profusely.

Color: Bronze

General information about color types and their development. Bacon ipsum dolor amet andouille alcatra ribeye jowl. Ribeye salami turducken doner, leberkas meatball bresaola sausage pork chop strip steak short ribs. Porchetta biltong frankfurter hamburger.

Height: Medium 3’–4′

General information about various heights and why it matters. Bacon ipsum dolor amet andouille alcatra ribeye jowl. Ribeye salami turducken doner, leberkas meatball bresaola sausage pork chop strip steak short ribs. Porchetta biltong frankfurter hamburger.

Bloom Size: 1″–2″

General information about bloom sizes and what to consider when making selections. Bacon ipsum dolor amet andouille alcatra ribeye jowl. Ribeye salami turducken doner, leberkas meatball bresaola sausage pork chop strip steak short ribs.

Type: Pompon

General information about Dahlia types and what to consider when making selections. Bacon ipsum dolor amet andouille alcatra ribeye jowl. Ribeye salami turducken doner, leberkas meatball bresaola sausage pork chop strip steak short ribs.